Hair Loss Guide
The latest articles, information and common questions answered on hair loss
Your hairline is starting to recede - how can you fix this? find out more...
Hair loss on the crown can be stressful, here's a guide on how to spot it, stop it and fix it...
Is it possible to regrow hair naturally after hair loss or baldness, is it gone for good?
do I need a transplant?
Is hair Loss genetic? have I inherited it from my parents or grandparents?
Is Vaping Better than Smoking For Hair Loss, Is it the Nicotine or other chemicals?
What is Telogen Effluvium, Is it temporary? Which treatments work?
Why is it that men lose their hair a lot more than women do? what can I do about it?
What forms of hair loss are caused or enhanced by stress, is it temporary and what are the treatments?
What is the difference between an M-Shaped Hairline and a Widows Peak? Can I fix it?
Studies on identical twins have found several reasons for hair loss that isn't just genetics
complete guide to the treatment options, causes and effects of Alopecia Areata
How do anabolic Steroids cause hair loss, which are the worst offenders and what reduces loss?
A comprehensive guide to frontal fibrosing alopecia and what can be done to treat it
what are the best fixes for baldness, here's a comprehensive guide for you...
Many people worry their hair loss is caused by wearing a hat, find out the truth here...​
Why am I losing hairs in the Shower, how much is normal and what can I do about it?
What is the Ludwig scale and how is it used to diagnose womens hair loss?
What is DHT, how does it cause hair loss and which treatments should I consider?
What are the key differences between a mature hairline and a receding hairline?
What causes a widows peak and can it be changed? am I going bald?
does smoking make hair loss worse, is vaping better? what should I do?
How long should I wait? can they damage my newly transplaned hair?
How does thyroid related hair loss differ from androgenetic hair loss and male or female pattern baldness?
Explaining Retrograde Alopecia, the condition, its causes and different treatment options.
the link between dandruff, an itchy flaky scalp and hair loss